EWP Hangers
Masonry Hangers
Reference Series: WMU
These hangers are designed to support standard lumber joists, I-Joists, or beams. Easy installation into concrete block walls makes the MPH an attractive alternative to fabricating seats in masonry (or attaching ledgers) to support joists or beams.
Materials: 12 gauge
Finish: Primer
Code Reports:
View Code Report Table
- Use all specified fasteners.
- 16d duplex nails are not supplied with MPH hangers.
- Place hanger into position on top of concrete block. Install (2) 16d duplex nails (0.162″ dia. x 3-1⁄2″ double head) through the top flange nail holes. Then continue laying the next course of block.
- A minimum of one course shall be laid over hanger top flange and one course below hanger top flange. Courses adjacent to the top flange shall be subsequently grouted.
- These products do not provide uplift resistance.
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MPH Masonry Hanger