Plated Truss
Severely Skewed Hangers
Reference Series: -- --
MiTek’s MSSH217 hanger accommodates a skew range of 60-degree to 85-degree (30-degree maximum off the girder) without the need for a more expensive custom design hanger. Face nail to webs or bend the flange strap over the chord. Available in left (L) or right (R) configurations.
Materials: 18 gauge
Finish: G90 galvanizing
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Technical Bulletins
- Use all specified fasteners.
- The 3 lower holes on each strap are for top nailing when the strap is bent over the truss chord. These holes are not for face nailing.
- One or both straps may be bent over the bottom chord of the girder with top or backside nailing.
- Note: Select the correct (right or left) hanger so that the strap on the outside of the angle will pass the end of the truss. When facing the hanger, the strap in the rear turns in the direction of the skew. The front strap turns to pass behind the end of the carried member.
- Attach the hanger at the end of the truss with a single 10d (0.148″ dia.) x 1-1⁄2″ nail into the side flange or bottom.
- Place the truss in position against the girder. Push the outside strap past the end of the truss to the girder web and face nail through the top 8 holes with 10d (0.148″ dia.) x 1-1⁄2″ nails for a 1 ply girder, or 10d (0.148″ dia. x 3″) common nails for multiple-ply girders.
- The strap inside the angle can be formed over diagonal webs (if design allows) or bend over the girder chord. Use two nails into the top and/or back side of the girder.
- If the outside strap does not contact a web, bend the strap tightly over the girder chord. Use two nails into the top and/or back side of the girder.
- For uplift resistance, other means of attachment are required. If both the truss and girder have vertical webs, attach a scab to pack out the girder web nearly flush with the truss web and use a field adjustable MP framing angle across the two. A top chord connection for uplift requires a flat LSTA strap tie wrapped under the girder and over the truss chord.
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MSSH217R Severely Skewed Hanger (right shown)

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