Solid Sawn Hangers
Multi-Purpose Joist Hanger
Reference Series: -- --
These strap-style hangers are designed to support trusses, joists, or purlins. JH models may be bent along the flange allowing builders to use the hangers in top mount, face mount, or combination applications.
Materials: 18 gauge
Finish: G90 galvanizing
Code Reports:
View Code Report Table
- Use all specified fasteners.
- Joist nails must be driven at a 30° to 45° angle through the joist or truss into the header to achieve listed loads. Standard length “double shear” nails must be used to achieve listed load values.
- If installing in top mount configuration, field bend top flange over header.
- 16d sinkers (0.148″ dia. x 3-1/4″) may be used where 10d common are specified with no load reduction.
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JH20 Multi-Purpose Joist Hanger