Accurate Housing Systems
Accurate Housing Systems in East Troy, Wisconsin switched from eFrame™ to MiTek® Structure-and modernized their truss design and manufacturing capabilities in the process.

1,300 single-family and multi-family projects in a given year
“With [MiTek] MVP®, I can tell how long it took to build a particular job. I can tell if we are making money or not making money on a job,” says general manager Sean Kelly. Justin Nagel has found “the 3D capabilities really eliminate a lot of errors.” [Structure] is a really great program,” sums up Sean Kelly. “We’d recommend it to anyone…anyone who doesn’t compete with us, that is.”
The Story
Mitek Engineering
virtually eliminates quantity errors
Using MiTek® Engineering along with MiTek Structure virtually eliminates quantity errors, helping Accurate Housing Systems live up to its name.

There’s lots more capability in [MITEK STRUCTURE] over eFrame.”
Accurate Housing Systems operates from a 65,000 square foot facility in East Troy, providing components for some 1,300 single-family and multi-family projects in a given year. Seventy-five percent of the business is providing roof trusses.

With a move to MiTek Structure, Accurate Housing Systems hoped to diminish errors and create efficiencies and accuracies, as well as eliminate the need for another CAD program with standardized formatting.


The benefits of Structure include automated hip framing features to improve designer efficiency and accuracy, 3D capability that eliminates many errors up front, and layout templates that provide a standard format-all of which help Accurate diminish errors and avoid the need for a second CAD program.